Respond to disclosures

Welcome to Heart of the Haven, an educational series dedicated to shedding light on domestic and family violence. In this article, we delve into vital discussions, offering insights and guidance on how communities can respond effectively to disclosures.

Understanding the Complexity:

Responding to disclosures of domestic violence requires sensitivity and awareness, especially for those outside specialised fields. Sam C, Executive Officer of Client Services, from The Haven emphasises the importance of understanding both the dos and don'ts in such situations. She highlights the three crucial dos: listening actively, validating the survivor's experience, and offering open-ended assistance.

Listening Actively with Empathy:

Active listening is the cornerstone of effective support. Sam urges individuals to provide a safe space for survivors to share their experiences without interruption. By letting them express themselves freely, we convey our respect and commitment to their well-being.

Validating the Survivor's Experience:

Validation plays a pivotal role in affirming the survivor's feelings and experiences. Sam emphasises the significance of simple yet powerful statements like "I believe you" or "I can see how this is impacting you." Such validation fosters trust and encourages survivors to seek further support.

Offering Open Help:

When responding to disclosures, it's essential to offer assistance without imposing solutions. Sam advises against providing unsolicited advice and instead suggests offering open-ended support. By asking, "How can I help?" we empower survivors to make their own decisions and choose the support that suits their needs.

Navigating Expectations:

In our culture, there's a tendency to rush to the rescue or offer solutions immediately. However, Sam reminds us of the importance of respecting the survivor's autonomy and pace. First disclosures are often a test of trust, and it's vital to honor that process without imposing our own agendas.

Avoiding Pitfalls:

In our eagerness to help, we must be mindful of certain pitfalls. Sam warns against sharing personal experiences or trying to find silver linings. Such actions can inadvertently undermine the survivor's experience and diminish the severity of their situation. Instead, she emphasises the importance of focusing on active listening and providing unconditional support.

Empowering Action through Knowledge:

Building knowledge is a critical step in preventing domestic violence. Sam encourages individuals to educate themselves about the different forms of violence and their impacts. By understanding the complexities of domestic violence, we equip ourselves to take informed action and support survivors effectively.

Community Engagement:

Taking action against domestic violence requires collective effort. Sam highlights the importance of engaging in community conversations and events focused on prevention. Whether it's attending fundraisers or sharing information on social media, every contribution plays a vital role in raising awareness and fostering a supportive community.

The Haven's Preventive Initiatives:

At the Haven, prevention is a cornerstone of our mission and includes community engagement programs, with local schools and businesses. Through initiatives like Walk the Talk, we empower students to become advocates for change and foster a culture of prevention from a young age.

Let’s strive to create safer, more supportive environments for survivors. Together, let's continue to listen, learn, and take action against domestic violence.

Samantha Anderson